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Introductory Class for TikTok


Created by Yolanda Quiroz Soto, JD 


PSYCHIC GENIUS I, you will learn to operate your physical body as the instrument through which you give the Universal Consciousness which is infinite and universal, finite and  unique expression. 


Although we each were created from the same all-creative energy source, you are unique. You have your own unique energy (formula or marker) that makes you, YOU. This is the only energy that works for you. Anyone else’s energy (foreign human energy) whether negative or positive will not work for you simply because it is not your energy. 


Foreign human energy in your space will register at the physical level and at the energy level. At the physical level, it may present as an irritant, pain, or disease. It will cause you to disembody - as consciousness disconnect from the physical body. 


At the energy level, foreign human energy may dilute, disrupt, or destroy your ability to access your creative powers and to express them in the physical body. This, also, may cause you to disembody. 


From outside the physical body, you as consciousness cannot Create or Contribute. CREATE is the process of transforming a pure idea into actual physical reality. You as consciousness catch ideas form the Universal Consciousness and make them actual physical reality through the physical body via excellent acts of creation. CONTRIBUTE is the act of contributing to the larger whole, to make things better because if makes the world better. It makes everything. It makes you better. 


The key to accessing your psychic abilities is the physical body. To do this:

I.    As consciousness, you need to occupy and reside in the physical body. 

II.   The physical body has to be free of foreign human energy.

III.  The physical body needs to be full of your energy. 

In PSYCHIC GENIUS I, you will learn to operate your physical body as the instrument of your creative expression. 





I.      The Sixth Chakra                     Access the control center of the body

II.     Grounding Cord                      Release foreign human energy

III.    Set the Edge of the Aura        Keep out foreign human energy 

IV.    Ground the Aura into              Keep out foreign human energy 

        Grounding Cord

V.     Protection Rose                       Keep out foreign human energy 

VI.    Set the Chakras                       Keep out foreign human energy 

VII.   Run Cosmic/Earth Energies   Keep out foreign human energy 

VIII.  Gold Sun                                  Reclaim your energy


In addition, you will learn: 


  • Identify your energy

  • Space: your space in relation to others 

  • Growth period: at a physical level and energy level

  • Programming and pictures: How foreign human energy records in the physical body

  • Introduction to deprogramming and Freeing Your Mind

  • Unlocking Clairvoyance

  • Next step

See below for more information on the conceptual framework. 



The class consists of 3 sessions, each is 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Space is limited to 13 people.


It meets once a week via Zoom. Before the first class, you will receive instructions and suggestions on how to prepare for the class. After each session, you will receive the corresponding Modules summarizing the concepts and outlining the techniques covered in that session. At the end of the course, you will receive the training guide. 


The class is experiential focusing on the application of the techniques. You will have homework. It is up to you to implement and practice the techniques outside of class. You are learning a new way of operating the physical body and going forward you will strive to operate it in this new way all the time. The more that you do, the more that you will unlock and access your Psychic Genius.


January 11th, 18th, and 25th, 2025


TIME:   11:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Pacific Standard Time


The price for the class is $400. 








Psychic Geniuses are visionaries, dreamers, rebels, revolutionaries, mystics, pathfinders, paradigm-shifters, innovators, creators, and charismatic leaders driven by vision, purpose, and determination. From an early age, they recognize that they are here to create new worlds which only they can bring to reality. They are dedicated, purposive revolutionaries who march to the beat of their own drum. Yes, they are equipped with exceptional intelligence, creativity, and originality. But, they are more than that. Psychic Genius is a creative force. 


Psychic geniuses are rare and unique autotelic personalities who possess psychic styles of being, thinking, and creating. They see beyond what is perceptible through the five senses. They posses the uncanny abilities to see the invisible, perceive external events, and work with energy to move and alter our environment. They operate on a higher level - A level of Superconsciousness (knowingness) where by they can access the Universal Mind, Clairvoyance whereby they can see and work with energy from the space of awareness, and Abstract Intuition whereby they operate from a type of super logic.

They are the stubborn souls behind every human innovation and development. And, they are the harbingers of our evolutionary future.

Throughout human history, it has been believed that Psychic Genius is a rare gift. But everyone is psychic - to a degree. It's just a matter of unlocking these abilities and learning how to use them with awareness, certainty, and purpose. Psychic Genius was created with this mind. 

The key to accessing your psychic genius is the physical body. Here are the premises on which this is founded: 



You are here to give the Universal Consciousness (known by many names around the world) which is infinite and universal, finite and unique expression - in the physical world. At an energy level, you are all-creative. Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. But, only at the energy level. At this level, you are complete. Think of yourself as a perfectly balanced mathematical equation with -100 on one side and +100 on the other side. You are complete. You are neutral. You are all of it. And, you have access to all of it. 

At the physical level, however, you start at 0 in the middle of the equation. You are incomplete. No longer neutral. You are here to rebuild the equation back to -100 and +100. To return to completeness. To neutrality. To all-creative. 


To accomplish this at the physical level (and the levels in between) you embarked on a journey of devolution and evolution. The instrument through which you do this is the physical body.


Consciousness is the storehouse of your creative powers. To access the full spectrum of these creative powers, you as consciousness need to occupy and reside in the physical body. And in the body, as consciousness you need to localize in the sixth chakra (the Mind’s Eye) located in the center of your head. This is the point of higher awareness, clairvoyance, and abstract intuition. It also is the only neutral point in the physical body.


Consciousness is non-local. It is not limited by time or space. It can be at any give place at any given time. But in order for you as consciousness to impact the physical world, you as consciousness need to be in the physical body. 


For you as consciousness to come through clearly, the physical body needs to free of foreign human energy and your physical body needs to be full of your own energy. 



You each originated from an all-creative energy source. Individually, you are the unique expressions of that source. You posses your own unique brand of energy - your own unique marker. And, only this energy works for you. Someone else’s energy - whether negative or positive - will not work for you simply because it is not your energy. 


Foreign human energy records in the physical body when you are not neutral to it (neutrality is being able to have both sides of a dichotomy equally). When you only can have one side, you are incomplete. To return to completeness, you will experience the side you cannot have until you can have it as equally as the other side. For example, if you can have winning, but cannot have losing, you will experience losing until you can have it as much as you can have winning. That is completeness. When you are complete, you get to choose where to be within that creative spectrum. Until then, you are stuck. 


On a daily basis, you absorb a tremendous amount of foreign human energy - because you are not neutral to it. Foreign human energy records in the physical body. At a physical level, it may present as an irritant, a discomfort, even a pain. When the physical body is in discomfort, disrepair, or disintegration, you as consciousness disembody. You check out, disconnect. From outside the physical body, you cannot impact the physical world. 


At an energy level, foreign human energy recorded in your physical body acts as a foreign program in the body. It may distort, disrupt, and even destroy your ability to access your energy (information) and your ability to express it: Create and Contribute. Create is the act of transforming a pure idea into actual physical reality (it is the way that we give the Universal Consciousness expression - we catch ideas from the Universal Consciousness and transform them into actual physical reality via the physical body through physical action - excellent acts of creation). Contribute is the act of contributing to the larger whole. To make things better. Because it makes the world better. It makes you better.




I have been studying this material since I was in second grade. Growing up in Mexico, I was fascinated with a comic strip called, Kaliman. Kaliman was on a quest for justice around the world using his extraordinary powers including levitation, telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, astral projection, control of the involuntary functions of the body (which allows him to feign being dead), hypnosis, ESP,  self-healing, and more.


This was the beginning of journey to learn more. Over the years, I have studied and practiced: 

Transcendental Meditation 

Kriya Yoga, Self Realization Fellowship

Tibetan Buddhism 

Zen Buddhism




Quantum Touch


and More


But, I did not experience transformational change until I embarked on Clairvoyant Training in 1997. Within that same methodology, I also studied various healing methods, Trance Mediumship (for 7 years), and more. 


My goal is to empower people to unlock their inherent genius to bend the arc of history and transform human evolution. 


To that end, I created the genius method, a model of the creative process that combines time-honored mind/body principles and techniques, contemporary management and leadership strategies, design thinking, and the latest research in neuroscience. 


Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of individuals, including elite athletes, A-list celebrities, and CEOs to identify and release obstacles to their goals and to become the creators of their own lives. (Cannot list names due to NDAs)


In addition, I am an expert at managing the energy dynamic of businesses, sports, entertainment, and the law with the intention of taking out the randomness out of seemingly uncontrollable variables in order to minimize problems, personality conflicts, and accidents and to maximize outcomes. 


I graduated from Stanford Law School in 2000. As an undergraduate, I studied with four Nobel Laureates at UCB and UCLA and graduated with a BA in History, summa cum laude. 


Prior to law school, I worked with Prof. Jean Lipman-Blumen and Prof. Harold J. Leavitt at The Achieving Styles Institute (now The Connective Leadership Institute) in Pasadena, CA. 



UCB, UCLA - BA in History, summa cum laude

Stanford Law School

University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, Human Rights



I currently live in Oslo, Norway. I go back and forth between Oslo and Santa Monica, where I lived from 2005 to 2019. 


Travel as much as possible. I’ve been to 45+ countries and lived in 4

Certified scuba diver

Dabble in street photography 

Been plant-based for 35+ years 

Hopeless utopian and skeptical cynic 

Sucker for all dogs 

Lover of art and music





©️YolandaQuirozSoto, 2024



“The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson


We live in an extraordinary moment in history - a time in which the decisions that we make today will determine the future of the planet and thus the very existence of future generations. As human beings, we can choose to continue on our current trajectory to a dismal end or we can choose to use this as an opportunity to right our history on the planet and transform human evolution. 


Globally, we face mega threats to humanity - environmental damage, climate change, political turmoil, social upheaval, economic disparity, and much more. Consequently, our world is riddled with the degradation of our natural resources, racial and gender injustice, wealth inequality, and social exclusion. After centuries of capitalism, our powers of creation have become forces of self-destruction. 


Professionally, we are working ourselves to death. Our lives are dominated by impersonal powers - from labyrinthine bureaucracies to economic forces which are seemingly out of our control. We have become part of the industrial machine whose sole focus is the bottom line - the maximization of profits irrespective of the psychic toll on its employees or the physical toll on the environment. Depleting our natural resources, exploiting labor, engaging in animal cruelty, and selling toxic products is business as usual. We are stuck in jobs that are not in alignment with our higher purpose and thus do not satisfy our thirst for meaning. As a result, we feel alienated, isolated, and frustrated. 


Personally, our lives are under attack by the fast pace of life. Due to rapid technological advances and an over-saturated commercial landscape characterized by media sound bites, fast food, traffic, etc., we are bombarded with the need to react quickly at the expense of reflection and awareness. The demand to perform faster and faster promotes reactivity over thoughtfulness, disrespect over civility, stress over well-being, and chaos over balance. In spite of the array of information and social networks and the speed in which we can access information and communicate with each other, we are more isolated and blocked than ever. Increasingly, we are disconnected from meaningful and revealing relationships with each other and the world around us. As a result, our inner worlds, the template for our outer realities, are in a state of turmoil. In short, we live in a world that is not conducive to the full manifestation of Self. We do not know who we really are and almost have ceased to think about what we will become. Increasingly, we are alienated from ourselves, each other, and our environment. As human beings, we are in the midst of a consciousness crisis.


To bend the arc of our history on the planet and transform human evolution, we need a radical paradigm shift. We need to explore transformative solutions based on global citizenship and planetary stewardship and redesign our corporate, financial, political, and social systems to serve the whole rather than the select elite few.


We need to arrive at creative practical solutions through radical collaboration based on mutuality and inclusiveness. To overcome the threats or, at least, minimize the risks, we need strategic thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and multi-disciplinary connective leaders from academia, business, government, media, arts, and technology who can express their assessments and offer solutions without compromise. We need leaders who are certain, confident, and self-actualized who can navigate successfully through the increasingly complex and ambiguous environment. We need the geniuses to step up. 


R. Buckminster Fuller said, "Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them." This is particularly true today. To affect change and overcome centuries of alienated life, we need to start with ourselves. If we are to survive and thrive as a species, as individuals we need to consciously, deliberately, and creatively alter our way of being, thinking, and living. We need to unlock our inherent genius (e.g., unblock human consciousness and unlock our psychic abilities) to understand the situation and explore creative and sustainable solutions.


We need to manifest our full human potential - operate from the full spectrum of our creative ingenuity - to create for ourselves and future generations a different version of ourselves and a new vision of human society marked by the awareness that all living things are interconnected and interdependent - a part of a whole living conscious expanding universe. 


It is the only way that we are going to elevate the human community to a psychic state of being and step into the next level of human evolution - super-consciousness. This will usher the beginning of our real conscious history and transcendent evolution.


the genius method is designed to teach you how to re-GENIUS your life. It is based on the up-coming book, the genius method by Yolanda Quiroz Soto, JD. YQS is the founder of YQS LLC, a consultancy that houses various ventures dedicated to empowering creatives, leaders, entrepreneurs, and motivated individuals to manifest their human potential. She has worked with numerous businesses and individuals to teach them how to master the creative process at the energy and physical levels in order to unlock their inherent genius to bend the arc of history and transform human evolution.


the genius method presents a comprehensive, experiential, action-oriented, and practical intensive program for the development of rebels, pathfinders, mystics, even leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, elite athletes, creatives, and motivated individuals interested in extraordinary, strategic, and creative leadership. 


the genius method combines time-honored mind body principles, including human energy strategies, meditation, and higher awareness techniques, contemporary leadership/management strategies, and cutting-edge design thinking and presents the latest research in neuroscience - with a focus on taking action - in order to inspire creativity and innovation, maximize outcomes, reach optimal performance, and increase profitability and organizational success in today’s highly competitive ideas economy. 


the genius method is designed to empower you to create at the genius level. re-GENIUSing requires rigorous self-development and practice. To facilitate and to speed up the process, exercises have been designed to accompany this presentation. This guide, a supplement to the presentation, includes key learning points, exercises, and specified homework to accelerate learning. Be prepared to be challenged.


In addition, YQS offers an array of extensive training programs. Please visit



Throughout our history, there are individuals whom we know as GENIUSES. Geniuses are pioneers, charismatic leaders, entrepreneurs, inventors, mystics, revolutionaries, dreamers, rebels, mavericks, thought-leaders, pathfinders, paradigm-shifters, and catalysts of change.


They don’t listen to authority. They ignore the rules. They laugh at the status quo. They defy dominant opinion. They outrage outdated critics. They stand up to complacency. They scoff at mediocrity. They don't take short cuts in favor of the bottom line. They destroy old systems. They beautifully wreck what came before to clear the path for something new -- something innovative, transformative, and transcendent which only they can bring to reality.

They create no matter the psychic toll. They thrive on the creative hunt. They are impatient in the pursuit of perfection. They are ripe for disruption. They give birth to bold ideas. They create new fields. They provoke change. They are the stubborn souls to whom every significant development and innovation can be traced. 

They display exceptional creativity, originality, curiosity, and intellectual ability. But, genius is more than intelligence. Genius is a creative force. It is a living thing in the human psyche. A timeless obsession. It’s the source of our inspiration, our wisdom, our imagination, our passion, our creative spark. Genius is our drive to give the infinite and universal finite and individual expression - to transform a pure idea into physical reality. In sum, genius is the innate, intense, irresistible, irrepressible, imperious impulse to CREATE.

And, genius is the thirst to CONTRIBUTE. Genius is the desire to make a difference in people's lives - to make things better because it makes us better. Because, it makes the world better.

Genius is the evolutionary impulse behind the rage to master - a particular task, a project, the creative process, and ultimately the Self. It is the source of creativity and innovation, the key to superior, sustainable growth, profitability, and change. It is the source of purpose, authenticity, and meaning.


Genius bends history and transforms human evolution. It puts a dent in the universe. 

Genius is not an elusive, esoteric quality that only the special among us will ever taste. Genius exists within each of us.  And, it is the key to the full manifestation of SELF and a richer human experience characterized by global citizenship and planetary stewardship.



"Genius - To know without having learned; to draw just conclusions from unknown premises; to discern the soul of things." Ambrose Bierce


"The discovery of truth, by slow progressive meditation, is wisdom. -- Intuition of truth, not preceded by perceptible meditation, is genius." Johann Caspar Lavater, Aphorisms on Man


Most of us associate the word, "genius," with people like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, or Marie Curie and Hedy Lamarr. We think of genius as exceptional intellectual ability. But, genius is more expansive than that. 

Genius is the creative spark within each of us. It is the extraordinary encoded in our soul waiting to unfold. It is the source of our urge to create and our impulse to climb the path that leads to eminence. Genius is our drive to create - to transform pure energy into physical reality, to turn the invisible into the visible, to manifest thought into form. Genius is the ability to bring forth something new, original, transformative, and of value which changes the world.

Genius is electric power. Harnessed correctly, genius is transformative. It propels us to discover the truth, produce original work, destroy systems that oppress, challenge the status quo, elevate others, and change the world. Genius is the force that bends the arc of history and transforms human evolution. 

Genius expresses itself in a variety of forms. It expresses itself intellectually, of course, such as in Stephen Hawking. But it also expresses itself visually, musically, physically - just look at a Picasso, listen to Mozart, or watch LeBron James or Bruce Lee to see genius in action. 


Genius is in all of us. Creative power exists within each of us. Some of us access it and express it more than others, but it exists within all of nonetheless. The reason that some of you are not accessing your inherent genius is because it has been programmed out. Society, for the most part, is designed to kill the creative impulse and individuality in favor of complacency and conformity. But, your genius is still there. It's just a matter of learning how to unlock it. 

the genius method is designed to empower you to do just that. 




an evolutionary impulse


"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Dr. Seuss


You are an all-creative being in the process of unlocking your inherent genius for the full manifestation of Self. This evolutionary impulse is the force that drives the creative process. 


Genetically, we are 99% the same. Not similar. Not related. The same. Exactly the same. As spirit, however, we each are different. Totally different. Although we originated from the same all-creative energy source, we are unique. This all-creative energy source known as the Genius Consciousness, the Supreme Being, God, the cosmic computer, the unified field (the implicate/explicate order - Bohm), etc., is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. It is infinite creative power and universal in nature. It is the whole of all that is. (For our purposes, I will refer to this energy as the Genius Consciousness.)


You, as an individual, are the unique expression of the Genius Consciousness. You possess the same creative attributes as this source, but are bringing them into expression in a unique and individualized way. You are here to give the infinite and universal finite and unique expression. 


As a spark of the Genius Consciousness, you are the vehicle through which it transforms unexpressed potential into unlimited manifest physical reality. By endowing each of us with the ability to unlock a unique combination of its attributes through the physical body, the Genius Consciousness is able to carry out the process of self-expression in the material world. Without this dynamic, the Genius Consciousness would remain quiescent and unable to express its full creative potential. Expressing itself through the process of individualization is its way of expressing the full range of its creative abilities. 


You, thus, are an integral part of this evolutionary process. You individualize different aspects of the Genius Consciousness into ideas (and then physical reality) that allow it to expand indefinitely in the direction of your choice. At any given moment, you play a direct role in its evolution and, subsequently, in yours. You are part of an ongoing process of perpetual expansion and growth whereby the Genius Consciousness attains unlimited expression.  This impulse - toward the full manifestation of self - is the creative genius in each of us. It is the source of our drive to create and to expand.


Evolution is an individual and a collective proposition. Individually, you are on a journey to discover your unique gifts and bring them into individual physical expression. Collectively, you are in the process of helping everyone else reach their full creative potential by presenting and sharing your gifts with the world. 


As stated above, the Genius Consciousness is the all-creative energy source composed of Will/Power, Intelligence/Activity, and Wisdom/Affinity. Will/Power is the first differentiation of that energy source. It is from this aspect of the Genius Consciousness that you as individual "thought-forms" were created. You therefore possess the same will to manifest fully as the Genius Consciousness. 


Originally, you were created so that the Genius Consciousness could share itself with you. But, this was not possible because you were at one with the Genius Consciousness. There was no differentiation. You were not really separate or independent. You drew your creative abilities from the Genius Consciousness because you could not create in your own right. You were fully creative, but only within this space. 


 “Outside” of the space of oneness, you were incapable of expressing the full spectrum of your creative abilities. You could not exercise your creative powers in matter denser than that of your origin. Your full creative powers were unmanifest. Since you possess the same will to manifest fully as the Genius Consciousness, you are driven by the desire to manifest that which is latent within you. In order to reach a more mature perfection, as creative beings, you needed to know consciously your own unique individuality. This could only happen by separating from the space of oneness. 


To fully develop, you stepped outside the One to experience yourselves in relationship to others within matter, time and space, cause and effect, choice and consequence. Because the Genius Consciousness desired a true and equal companionship, you were bestowed with the gift of free will. Free will gave you the ability to choose your own path. It allowed you to be the author of your own destiny, to be with the Genius Consciousness or "without." 


You are here  because you "separated" from the Genius Consciousness in order to manifest into physical form the three creative energies that exists within each of you. You are part of a great evolutionary wave that began long ago. You began your journey into the creative process by entering a material universe characterized by duality and polarity and time and space specifically created for your evolution. Each of you chose to enter the material world and the cycle of evolution in order to unlock your latent creative abilities. You are here because you are self-determined and willed for a fuller manifestation of life. 


Your adventure into self-fulfillment includes expressing the three creative attributes (Will/Power, Intelligence/Activity, and Wisdom/Affinity) of the Genius Consciousness in the material world. The reason for being here, therefore, is to learn how to express your full creative potential on the material plane within the confines of matter, time, and space. The physical body is the instrument through which you do this. When you can create in grosser matter as well as you create in subtle matter, you will be able to create as an all-creative being on earth. As is above, so is below. 



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